Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Welp I was wrong Happy May 4th Announcement

SuperFolder Mrtylerntobinvalue Welp, looks like I was wrong about how Tom folded Art2. In return, I will bing you Instrux for different characters every Saturday in May. Happy May the 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!,!,!,!,!,!!,!!,!!,!!,!,!,!,!!,!!,!!,!,!!,!!,!!!!,!!!,!!!!,!!!

May the Fourth be with you

SuperFolder MaraOmega Happy may the fourth guys!! To celebrate star wars day this year, I’m going to a movie theatre with a friend to watch Episode One: The phantom menace! It’s back in theatres for this weekend, and my friend’s a big prequel fan, so that’s what we’re doing 🙂 […]


SuperFolder 1621 Its a trandoshan I forgot how to fold

Darth Vader

SuperFolder Generalgrievous_05 This drawing was made for not may 4th but for revenge of the 5th.